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Check Out The Proposed Redesigned BSIP Seat
January 28, 2015

Provide Your Feedback on the Redesigned Seat & Be Entered to Win a 30-Day Pass (Worth $60)

Take A Seat. Stay Awhile. 

Throughout February, Big Blue Bus customers and community members will be able to view and sit on the two prototypes of BBB's proposed seat redesign at one of six locations around the City. Customers are asked to provide their feedback on the functionality of the seat through a survey posted online (

Customers may view and sit on the two prototype seats at the following locations starting on the following dates:

1/29 to 2/1     Ken Edward Center- street level drop off plaza.

2/2 to 2/4        Montana and 17th

2/5 to 2/8        Lincoln Blvd & Ashland Ave (northbound) 

2/9 to 2/11        Lincoln Blvd & Montana Ave (northbound)

2/12 to 2/15     Wilshire & 16th Street/Santa Monica UCLA Hospital (eastbound)

2/16 to 2/19     Santa Monica & 22nd /St John's Hospital (westbound)

2/19     Tour Complete


Customers are encouraged to complete the survey online in order to be eligible to win the 30-Day Pass, but may also find hard copies at the Ken Edwards Center or by downloading the PDF here. Customers may also complete the survey by phone by calling Big Blue Bus at 310-451-5444. 


The Process 

In developing the plan for redesigning the seat, Big Blue Bus sought to include feedback from riders and stakeholders throughout the process and seeks to obtain buy-in on the final design.

The original bus stop design was only available for viewing at the BBB yard for the public to view and try using. With the redesign, we will be installing it in six different places around the City so that as many people as possible can have a chance to try it out and provide feedback.

The two seats being installed in the public right-of-way reflect extensive feedback on two prior prototypes during the fall from members of the City's Disabilities Commission and the Commission on Senior Community as well as a group of frequent bus riders of varying ages (millennials to seniors) and physical health.

Now it is your turn. We invite everyone to sit in the redesigned prototype seat. Seat A and Seat B, as we are calling them, look similar but have modest differences in seat height, depth, and width which might affect your comfort and the seat's functionality.

BSIP_Feelingsaboutseat_SpanishTo solicit your feedback, we have developed a survey. To develop the survey, we did a review of the literature to identify best practices for collecting insights from the public on street furniture. Because of where we are in the project (construction has already commenced), we have structured the questions to gather your preferences as they relate to a project in progress. Ultimately, we want a seat that is universal so that we get the feedback we need in order to finalize the design of a chair that is accessible to as many people as possible.

When the seat design is finalized, we will begin fabricating the pieces. The seat base and back will be installed on top of existing single seats.

What will not be changing for most stops is how the seats are sited. At medium- and high-volume stops, the seats are sited so that riders can find shade somewhere during the day, although there is no guarantee that the shade will be cast over a seat. The requirement BBB worked with was to develop a schematic design to provide shade. Rain is such a rare occurrence so the requirement to provide shade took priority.

You spoke; we're listening.

We look forward to being in touch.


Visual Assets

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Selected References